Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Books And Ladders TBR Game

Hi everyone and thank you so much for taking the time to check out my new TBR Game! Originally I used to just do a bingo board with 25 randomly chosen prompts but then I got bored. So I did a little brainstorming and the outcome was this new game I like to call Books and Ladders.

There isn't much to say except it's based off the classic board game Snakes and Ladders. Except this one has books and instead of winning when you get to the top you make your way back down the side into a continuous loop. Without further rambling now I will give a brief overview of the rules and any prompts that I think aren't self explanatory.


1. Roll two 6 sided dice 10 times getting your prompts from each roll (If you ever decide to play this game you can do however many rolls you want, live your best life!)
2. If you roll a double then you have to add on a role


Spaces In Blue: These are challenge prompts, each one also requires you to climb the ladder where you will land on a mood read space
ROGO (Read One Get One): this prompt requires 2 books that have something in common (category is in the ROGO square)
Moon or Stars: has moon or stars on the cover or in the title
Rec'd to You: anything that has been recommended to you either personally or recommended in general by a reviewer, blogger, youtuber, librarian, etc.
Fits the Season: anything that fits the season you are in when the game is played
Readathon Prompt: find a readathon and do one of the prompts. You don't actually have to be participating in the readathon, you can just borrow a prompt
Person Pick - the person listed on the prompt chooses the book you read
Genre Hybrid - a book that can be classified as more than one genre


Of course I am going to be using my customized board below. However, I have also included a less customized board where the names of my family members have been replaced with other prompts and I've also included a blank board in case you like the board but hate the prompts and want to make your own.

If you do end up giving Books and Ladders a try please let me know what you think.

My Board
Board Version 2.0

Blank Board

If you're still with me I just want to say thank you so much. I appreciate every single one of you who takes the time to read my posts. 

Remember you can also find me on Instagram @fourmoonreviews for more bookish content!

See you on the moon!


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